Area 19 of the NTS

          Area 19 is a mysterious piece of land within the NTS. Like Area 51 to the east, Area 19 is also controlled by the joint Department of Energy (DOE) and Air Force. It is a piece of land (Area 20 included) sticking out of the north-eastern section of the NTS. It was added to the NTS in 1962 when nuclear air bursts were banned. The Rainier Mesa and Pahute Mesa area was perfect for the future underground nuclear explosions planned. Yucca Flat, the previous air burst test site was too close to Las Vegas and the underground shockwaves would have devastated Las Vegas.

          There have been many rumors of a complete air field and test facility there that are invisible to satellite or spy monitoring. Supposedly, there is an air field there called the Cheshire Airstrip in Dead Horse Flat. 737s on final approach call in to a secure frequency and contact the tower. When it is confirmed from NORAD's high powered radars that there are no satellites overhead, a series of sprinklers sprays the desert cammied landing strip so that it is visible to the pilot. When on the ground, the 737s release it's passengers quickly and takes off again. These rumors come from an airline pilot who had friends in Key Air and EG&G who flew JANET flights to Area 51 and TTR.

          According to sources, there indeed was a base at that area where the NTS and DOE worked on some kind of laser but there was a massive explosion and further progress in that area was canceled. But to the witnesses who felw the 737s to the base in Area 19, progress continues and at a great pace. Some even claim that there is a door in the side of the mountain nearby and workers enter there. Much like S-4 at Papoose Lake, they also claim that there is an underground hangar with a 30 foot diameter remotely controlled disc and grey aliens and workers walk freely about the base.

          What really makes Area 19's story interesting is a single power line that mysteriously ends in Area 19. All nuclear tests, what the area was meant for, ended decades ago. This is no ordinary power line, it is a high capacity line that would be expected to be powering the entire NTS but it simply ends right there. Also, it happens to end right in the middle of Area 19 at a series of roads that officially do not exist. Not to mention Area 19 is right in the center of the restricted Nellis Range and has no known public viewpoints for viewing into the restricted boundary.

          Area 19 has quite a bit of land within it set aside to LANL (Los Alamos National Laboratory) research. Press tours are allowed almost everywhere in the Test Site but when a tour of Area 19 was requested on two different occasions, they were both denied. One because it was just too far there and another because the road there "wasn't maintained" even though it is paved and in great condition. Also, the Rainier Mesa and Pahute Mesa areas, both of which are barely touched by the nuclear explosions, would be great for an underground test base. The whole reason the government took Area 19 and 20 was so they could detonate nuclear bombs underground in that vicinity where the geology was perfect. The ground was very hard and would absorb quite a bit of the shock. Mysteriously, the Dead Horse Flat area (most likely place for an underground secret base) was barely used for the tests.

          Based on my personal analysis of satellite images of Area 19, there appears to have been tests occuring in the area previously. No real apparent work appears to be happening. No explosions marks or signs of a landing strip long enough to support a landing 737 are visible. In my opinion, there is no UFO base at Area 19 just ruins of previous classified DOE work. If there is an "invisible" landing strip and full base there, the government is doing a great job of hiding it.

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